Case Study: Highly personalized PSP for people living with multiple myeloma taking a complex oral treatment


The Challenge

  • An oral treatment with a complex regimen that must be taken with 2 additional medications presents unique and significant adherence challenges
  • Patients were used to infusion treatment and meeting with their care team multiple times a month
  • These patients have many comorbidities, and are often seeing multiple HCPs and on multiple medications

Our Behavior Change Approach

  • We utilized Health Psychology and Motivational Interviewing to develop a custom screening tool to identify risk for nonadherence with each patient ​
  • We trained Oncology Nurses in the use of person-centered communication skills and behavior change techniques​
  • Nurses then provided tailored emotional and practical support, guided by the screening tool results

The Solution

A highly personalized, omnichannel patient support program (PSP) with in-home and telephone-based nurse coaching support for both patients and their caregivers including:

  • ​SMART goal setting tool
  • Print materials addressing treatment and disease self-management
  • Nurse coaches for practical and emotional support
  • Personalized emails addressing factors related to treatment nonadherence

The Impact

  • Program members completed 2.5 more cycles of therapy than patients not on the PSP
  • 92% likelihood to receive next prescription vs. 63% for patients not in the PSP
“I wish you were around when I was first diagnosed, I would have been more informed and kept myself on track.”