CareKnowDo: A pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of multichannel support for people with Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common, progressive condition. Lifestyle changes and antihypertensive medication can delay progression to Stage 5 (end stage) when transplant or ongoing renal replacement therapy is needed, and is fatal if untreated. However, adherence to these recommendations is often low.

Atlantis Health, in collaboration with the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), developed CareKnowDo, an online support tool that provides educational guidance for people with CKD as well as an integrated view of their pre-existing Electronic Health Record, Renal Patient View (PV). CareKnowDo aims to slow decline in kidney function, by helping patients reduce their blood pressure through adherence to medication and lifestyle recommendations.

The aim of study was to assess the feasibility of rolling out this support programme in two NHS sites in the UK. The study poster was presented at the 2019 European Health Psychology Society conference in Dubrovik, Croatia. 

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