News and publications

News and publications

Atlantis Health's Perspective on Patient Engagement

Atlantis Health's Perspective on Patient Engagement

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Atlantis Health's definition and measurement of patient engagement in patient support solutions.


Global Oncology Patient Nonadherence Study: An Overview

Global Oncology Patient Nonadherence Study: An Overview

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Overview of the key findings of Atlantis Health's Global Oncology Patient Nonadherence Study 2024—new insights into why people living with cancer consciously choose not to take their primary self-administered medication as prescribed.


Press release: Global Patient Study Identifies Key Reasons Driving Nonadherence to Self-Administered Cancer Medications

Press release: Global Patient Study Identifies Key Reasons Driving Nonadherence to Self-Administered Cancer Medications

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Atlantis Health announces the key findings of the Global Oncology Patient Nonadherence Study, which provides several new insights including reasons why people living with cancer consciously choose not to take their primary self-administered medication as prescribed.


Evidence for Change: Use of behaviour change techniques in mobile health interventions to enhance treatment adherence and self-management

Evidence for Change: Use of behaviour change techniques in mobile health interventions to enhance treatment adherence and self-management

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A discussion of a recent systematic review of behaviour change techniques in mobile health interventions that promote treatment adherence and self-management in people living with complex long-term health conditions. 


Case Study: Improving nurse skills for better patient engagement and outcomes through support programs

Case Study: Improving nurse skills for better patient engagement and outcomes through support programs

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Overview of a nurse training programme in motivational interviewing skills to improve patient engagement and medication adherence.


Evidence for Change: Effectiveness of medication adherence material in patient educational resources on gout

Evidence for Change: Effectiveness of medication adherence material in patient educational resources on gout

Monday, April 22, 2024

Professor Keith Petrie, our Behavioural Science Lead in the Southern Hemisphere, discusses key findings of his recent content analysis of how medication adherence in addressed in online patient educational resources. 


Evidence for Change: Effectiveness of Behaviour Change Techniques in Medication Adherence Interventions

Evidence for Change: Effectiveness of Behaviour Change Techniques in Medication Adherence Interventions

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Professor John Weinman, our Behavioural Science Lead in Europe, discusses his recent systematic review on commonly reported behaviour change techniques in successful medication adherence intervention studies in Type 2 Diabetes. 


Case Study: myMeds—A multichannel support programme for Type 2 Diabetes

Case Study: myMeds—A multichannel support programme for Type 2 Diabetes

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Overview of a highly-personalised, multichannel experience for Type 2 Diabetes patients on oral hypoglycemic agents in a tailored 26-week journey.
